Commissioner Garber, MLS WORKS make donation to Covenant House Vancouver

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As part of his visit to Vancouver on Monday, MLS Commissioner Don Garber took some time to make a special visit to Whitecaps community partner Covenant House Vancouver.

Garber donated $10,000 on behalf of MLS and MLS WORKS to Covenant House Vancouver, which provides shelter, food, immediate crisis care and an array of other services to homeless and at-risk youth in the city.

“The Whitecaps have been so engaged in the community,” Garber said. “For the league to have an opportunity to connect with Covenant House, that they have been so supportive of, and on behalf of MLS WORKS make a contribution, is really the best part of my day here today in Vancouver.”

The $10,000 will fund a full year of programming for Covenant House Vancouver’s recreational program that provides youth with the opportunity to participate in various activities, including playing in the Vancouver Street Soccer League.

The check was accepted by Covenant House executive director Krista Thompson, alongside Steve McMinn of the Vancouver Street Soccer League.

“The young people here often are from the outskirts of our society, so for them to be included in something like this with an organization like the Whitecaps and MLS makes them feel like they are a part of something bigger and that they are not alone, and that is wonderful,” Thompson said.