Report: Wayne Rooney to DC United deal in advanced stages

Wayne Rooney - Everton - Close up


It appears Wayne Rooney's long-rumored move to D.C. United is reaching the finish line.

Sky Sports News is reporting the former English international is in advanced talks with D.C. United and the deal could be completed as early as Monday.

After more than a month of negotiations, it is believed the 32-year-old will sign a two-year deal worth just over $5 million per year to become D.C. United’s Designated Player after a sterling 16-year career with Everton and Manchester United in the English Premier League. Should the deal go through, Rooney would not be available to feature for D.C. United until MLS's Secondary Transfer Window opens on July 10, a few days before the team opens its brand-new stadium, Audi Field, on July 14.

Sky Sports News also reported a subsequent agreement would allow Rooney to return to Everton at a later date to assume a coaching role.

Rooney reportedly toured the Washington D.C. area late last week and took a physical in advance of his move to join the MLS original.